Server performance
- High CPU or memory utilization
- Network bandwidth usage
- Packet loss rate
- Interface error rate
- Number of tcp connections is anomaly high for this day of the week
- Aggregate throughput of core routers is low
Server availability
- Free disk space is low
- System status is in warning/critical state
- Device temperature is too high / too low
- Power supply is in critical state
- Fan is in critical state
- No SNMP data collection
- Network connection is down
Configuration changes
- New components added or removed
- Network module is added, removed or replaced
- Firmware has been upgraded
- Device serial number has changed
- Interface has changed to lower speed or half-duplex mode
This is a sample list of server-related metrics and incidents, monitored by Smart Cloud Monitor out of the box. See the full list in template descriptions. You can extend/change the scope of monitored objects by adding new items, writing custom data collection scripts, building custom templates, etc.